The Platelet Dilemma

As most of you know, Michelle has ITP which is a platelet disorder. When Zoe was born she had extremely low platelets and had to stay in the ICN (intensive care nursery) for several extra days to help get them back up. We knew that this certainly could have been an issue with Avery as well.

At first Avery’s platelets were low, but not low enough to put her in the ICN. We kept her by our side and waited every 8 hours for them to take another blood draw and see how she was doing. As of last night she was still low, but not in the danger zone. This morning we found out that the Dr would like to keep her for at least another night for observation before deciding what to do. The Dr thinks that they will end up going up on their own and as long as they don’t get too low before then.

The good news is that her platelets were slightly up at her last two draws! We still need a couple more readings with the platelets going up for them to feel good about letting her go home, but it seems we are heading in the right direction. So, we didn’t quite make it home for Father’s Day, but things are looking up for tomorrow…

Jon Q

2 Responses to “The Platelet Dilemma

  • Safta
    June 22nd, 2009 04:32

    Even though you did not make it home for Father’s Day, you got a fantastic gift and the news are so encouraging that one more day at the hospital, and rest for Michelle does not seem so bad. I can feel that today you will be home with Avery, Michelle and Zoe.

  • Krista
    June 22nd, 2009 09:23

    Fingers crossed! At least she’s not in the ICN–although she certainly would have been the cutest one there.

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