Archive for the '01.Pre-arrival' Category

Happy Thanksgiving…

Thursday, November 23rd, 2006

Well, it is Thanksgiving and we have plenty to be thankful for – Michelle has had a pretty easy pregnancy and our little one will be arriving soon.  Michelle woke up early today with some “practice” contractions, which is a good sign that things are going well.  Maybe after some turkey and stuffing, the baby will be ready to come…My guess is Sunday, so I hope she takes some time to digest the turkey before arriving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Jon Q

2 days before the due date…what is normal?

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2006

So, I always thought that maternity leave was a time for rest and relaxation – you are carrying around this big tummy and you could use the rest.  However, Michelle seems to be treating her days off just like any other day.  I have never seen someone do so many errands.  Today, for instance, she had a 9am appointment to meet with a Day Care person.  Then at 10:30am, she had a hair cut appointment (gotta look good for those delivery shots!)  At 2:30pm, she has another Dr’s appointment.  Not to mention, we are invited over to our neighbor’s house for a get together tonight and she is meeting our delivery guy at 6pm!  Fhew, makes me tired just typing it all…

 Jon Q

Getting the show on the road

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2006

Early this summer, Q and I got on a big craigslist kick. We would scour the ads for baby gear and then snag as many good bargains as we could. One of my favorite buying-frenzy memories (aside from the house with the somewhat scary woman and the pot-belly pig hiding under the covers in her bed) was the time we went to buy a universal stroller from a woman. She was pretty and young, and also extremely pregnant and grumpy. (When Q tried to negotiate with her on price, she would have none of it. I commented to him when we left, “Q, you do NOT mess with a woman who is 9 months pregnant.”) It turned out that she was VERY pregnant (her due-date was the next day), and she didn’t seem particularly enthusiastic when we heard she was so close and excitedly congratulated her. It was clear that she was ready to get the show on the road: have the baby, stop being pregnant, etc. She looked so miserable I thought she would pop right there!
Months later, it’s hard to believe that I’m close to where that woman was that day. I don’t think I’m particularly grumpy, but I am getting a little anxious to get things going. As nervous (still) as I may be about childbirth, the thought of meeting the baby – and not being pregnant anymore – is increasingly appealing to me. (And, as shallow as it may sound, I admit that I’m also excited about losing the belly and starting to wear/shop for “real” clothes again! There are just SO many after-Christmas sales to look forward to!)

I sometimes wonder about that woman we met that day: what she wound up having (I think she was expecting a boy, but I can’t remember) and *when.*  I also wonder, naturally, when our baby will make her appearance. As I commented to a midwife I saw yesterday (during another routine appointment), the person who someday devises a test to determine the exact onset of labor should win a Nobel Prize in Medicine! (To which the midwife replied, “I think if men were the ones who gave birth, there would already be such a test!” I hear her…)


Single digits, part deux!

Tuesday, November 21st, 2006

Well, I have tabulated the votes and there were 12 entries for the time of birth.  I have listed them below since the first date listed is tomorrow!

We still have the 29th and December 1st not picked.  The Dr told us that if the baby isn’t here by December 1st that they would induce.  So, at worst we are only 10 days away from meeting the baby!

Jon Q


Gma – 22nd

Gil – 23rd at high noon

Roger Browdy – 24th at 6 AM

Vicki Brandt – 24th at 11:44 AM

Michelle – 24th

Irith Browdy – 25th at 4:15 AM

Jon Q – 26th during football

Dan Browdy – 26th at 7 (i.e. 7:00 am or pm OR X:07 am or pm OR X:X7 am or pm OR there’s gonna be a 7 in the number)

Yifat & Daniel Kaz – 26th at 4 PM

Jenny – 27th at 4AM

M.A. Malone – 28th

Wendy – 30th

Yea, platelets!

Monday, November 20th, 2006

I didn’t blog about this earlier (I didn’t want to be a downer) but I got disappointing platelet news on Friday: my count was down to 60K. (See my Oct. 28 entry for the reason my platelet count is important.) My hematologist thought it might have been a misreading – since I’ve been consistently in the 80s for several weeks now – and he asked me to come in for another test today. I was really pretty grumpy about it and didn’t want to go in for the test; Q’s theory was that I scared the count would be low again and I’d be forced to go on prednisone. Well, I *did* go in (like a good little patient), and I just found out that my count is 90K. This is the highest it’s been since I’ve gotten pregnant, and I might not even need to be tested again before the due-date. This is *such* exciting news, and I had to jump on here to share!


A doctor for Sesame

Monday, November 20th, 2006

A few months ago – in an effort to get really organized about things – I chose a pediatrician for Sesame. The doctor (another UCSF one) came highly recommended and seemed okay when we spoke, but I wasn’t quite as excited about her as I thought I should be. I wound up getting a few other names from my OB and today met with another pediatrician. I’m so glad I did, because I feel like it’s a much better fit for us. I felt a connection with this doctor right away, and I loved her thoughts on general baby issues. (Another plus: her office is literally three minutes from our house.) I was also pleased to hear her thoughts about breastfeeding: she’s all for it (naturally), but she’s not so militant as to scold or pressure a mom if it doesn’t work out or the mom doesn’t want to do it for the recommended 6-12 months. She made a comment that a lot of doctors/medical centers put too much pressure on new moms and make them feel guilty over this issue – which is something I find unfortunate. Although the baby’s health is her first concern, this doctor obviously also cares about the parents and their needs/wishes – and I think that’s important!

On an interesting note – at one point during our 30-minute conversation, Dr. Fernandez laughed at me and said something like, “You’re so funny.” I can’t remember what I was saying, exactly, but she explained that I was just so laid-back compared to some moms, who come in and start reading off from their very detailed list of questions. She wasn’t being insulting at all – or implying I wasn’t taking this seriously; I got the impression she welcomed my more informal approach. But I found it amusing that she called me “funny,” and I told her that’s a word my mom has used for me many, many times during this pregnancy!


Quiet before the storm

Sunday, November 19th, 2006

I was in a store yesterday when a saleperson asked when I was due. When I answered, “Friday,” her eyes got really big and her jaw dropped. “You should be at home, in bed!” she said, and I just sort of laughed (and assured her I felt fine). People have such interesting comments about my due-date these days – it’s as if they’re afraid I’ll just pop right there! The truth is that I’ve been feeling pretty good , and I like the idea of running around while I still have complete freedom…

Still, aside from yesterday’s shopping adventure, this weekend has been pretty mellow. Q and I literally rested away the day yesterday – alternating between napping and watching football (yea, Badgers) – and today wasn’t much different. I always enjoy our run-around weekends, but there’s something nice about just relaxing and preparing for the adventure that should take place (fingers crossed!) within the week.

As for the baby, there’s no big news. She’s still there. And still moving around a lot. I wonder if she has any clue what’s in store for her – ?



Talk about inspirational…

Saturday, November 18th, 2006

I got an e-mail update yesterday from one of my closest friends, who also happens to be pregnant. We haven’t talked in awhile, and I was glad to hear what was happening in her life and with her pregnancy. She and her husband have been through a lot these past few years, and there have been some rough spots with this pregnancy, also. The thing is: despite everything, my friend remains totally positive about life and her situation – and totally committed to taking things one day at a time. I just felt so proud and inspired when I read her note – and I immediately scolded myself for having the tendency to get all worked up over the smallest of things. I really need to take my friend’s lead (and Q’s lead, for that matter) and live life in a less stressed, more positive manner…

Anyway, I don’t know another couple who make better parents than my friend and her hubby. I’ll be praying that all goes well with her pregnancy, and that Sesame has another playmate in a few short months!


Getting close to delivery time…

Saturday, November 18th, 2006

Just so everyone has an idea of where Michelle will be delivering the baby, I am posting some pictures of the UCSF facilities.  As you can tell, they are not known for being one of the best in the country for nothing.  It kind of looks like a really fancy hotel!

Beautiful Surroundings

The Birth Center at UCSF is one of the most comfortable and attractive facilities of its kind anywhere, with stunning panoramic views of San Francisco. Typically, you will labor, deliver and recover in one of our spacious birthing suites. Each of these private, comfortably furnished rooms has a bathroom with a shower and whirlpool tub and amenities such as a refrigerator.

The best part of these rooms is the bathroom. Each room comes with a bathtub that has Jacuzzi jets and a detachable shower head that is great for massage. You can labor for as along as you like in the tub, but you will have to come out for the delivery.

After You Deliver

After your recovery period, you and your baby will move down the hall to a private postpartum room in the Birth Center, with your own bathroom and chair that coverts to a sleeper for your support person and the nurse will also wheel in a bassinet for your baby to sleep in . The average stay for a vaginal delivery is 1-2 nights, for a cesarean, 3-4 nights.

Rooming-in with your baby is a great way to start your life together. You are encouraged to keep your newborn with you in your postpartum room, or your baby may stay in our well-baby nursery.  If you choose to breastfeed your baby, nurses experienced in lactation will support you throughout your stay, helping you to learn to nurse comfortably and effectively. Additionally, lactation specialists are available for more intensive assistance to women whose babies are having unusual difficulty learning to nurse.

For those interested, more information can be found here – UCSF Center for Mothers and Newborns

Jon Q

No couldas, wouldas, shouldas here

Friday, November 17th, 2006

I recently came across a pregnancy journal entry (“Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda”) in which a mom-to-be outlined things she should have done differently during her pregnancy. I could certainly come up with my own list (watched the scale more carefully, worked out past the second trimester, etc.) – but, in an effort to be positive and celebrate the one-week-before-due-day marker, I thought I would put together a list of things that I think we actually did right. I’m happy that we:

-Bought our house and moved when we did. Packing and unpacking in July (when, in retrospect, I was barely pregnant) was a breeze – but doing so anytime beyond the 8th month would have been a huge pain.

-Got all our baby stuff together relatively early. We had a lot of the essentials purchased months ago, and our nursery put together about three weeks before the due-date. I know some people are superstitious about getting things done too early – but the thought of scrambling around at the last minute (or after the baby arrives) sounds a little awful to me.

-Took several trips (both big and small) throughout the pregnancy. I have fabulous memories of our first-trimester trip to Prague and Montreal, as well as our little summer and fall get-aways to Phoenix and elsewhere. Knowing what was in store for us over the next 18 years or so, I didn’t feel any guilt at all about floating around in the pool sipping virgin pina coladas or getting pampered at one of our favorite Scottsdale spas. All those pre-natal massages were nice, too.

-Launched this website. It’s been a fun way to keep people updated on things, and it makes far-away family and friends (of which there are many) seem closer.

-Waited to have a baby until we were both really ready to have a kid. Being parents is a huge commitment and lifestyle change (or so they tell me!), and I think it’s important that we both felt confident, capable and excited by the time I got pregnant. (Okay, Q was probably more of all of those things than I was – but I wasn’t too far behind.)

-Got married in the first place. We’ve had a lot fun together, and I’m assuming these next few years – with the new addition to the family – will be just as great. Q is going to be a wonderful dad.


The Big 4-0!

Friday, November 17th, 2006

Well, we made it to week 40!  Today marks the end of week 39 and the start of week 40, meaning we only have one week left to the due date and Michelle is a full 39 weeks pregnant.  Check out the update on the right for more information.

Michelle still looks great and if she lets me, I’ll put up some week 40 pictures.  I did manage to sneak one picture of her during week 39 (while she was posting to the site, of course):

Week 39 picture

One more quick note from the past week.  Yesterday, Michelle went to get a prenatal massage at my chiropractor’s office (we call her Dr. B) and while I was there, I met with Dr. B.  She said most women at 9 months that come in look like beached whales, but Michelle looked great and she couldn’t believe it!  Actually, most people that see her can’t believe how good she looks…

Jon Q

Or maybe Sesame, the politician??

Thursday, November 16th, 2006

On another note, let me just say how happy I am that Nancy Pelosi became the first female Speaker of the House today. I love it when gender barriers come crashing down, and I can’t help but think of a favorite bumper sticker of mine: “A woman’s job belongs in the House… the Senate and the Oval Office.”

Hopefully by the time Sesame is old enough to vote, there will be a female in the White House! Or maybe she’ll be the first!! You never know…


Sesame, the negotiator?

Thursday, November 16th, 2006

I had a prenatal massage this afternoon, and towards the middle of my treatment, the therapist commented about the baby, “She’s going to be mommy’s little girl for sure.” I immediately wondered whether she was basing this on some sort of scientific evidence (she had, after all, just asked if the baby’s head tended to rest on my left side; maybe it’s been proven that babies who have a preference for the left have a preference for their mothers – ?) but then figured she just made that comment to be nice. It certainly made me think, though. Would Sesame be “mommy’s little girl?” Would she show a preference for me or for Q? And would her personality be more like Q’s or mine?

I had similar thoughts last night, at the movies. Q played the pregnancy card to get us better seats at a sneak-preview (“Look, she’s 9 months pregnant – it’s not good for her to stand in line”), and I was marveling at the way he worked the security guy – who ultimately let us jump in at the middle of the line. (Thanks to him, we got great seats.) Not to mention the way he bargained over a major trade with someone in our Fantasy Football league as we stood in line. I couldn’t help but wonder if Sesame someday, too, will be a wheeler-and-dealer – a talker who can negotiate with anyone and get herself out of almost anything. Or maybe she’ll be more like me: someone who tends to follow the rules and not ruffle others’ feathers. (What can I say? It’s the Midwesterner in me.) I guess time will tell…

On a non-baby note, I did some shopping downtown after my massage. Although I was on a holiday-gift hunt, I wound up getting only stuff for me – including a pair of comfy brown sneakers and a cute make-up bag. It’s an awful time for me to buy clothes for myself, but I’m already looking forward to a nice, post-baby shopping spree. I need to catch up with Sesame, whose wardrobe is already spilling from the drawers!


It’s getting interesting in there

Wednesday, November 15th, 2006

During a recent appointment, I commented to a midwife that I had hit the uncomfortable stage of pregnancy. She was sympathetic and said her sister-in-law (who, apparently, has lots of children) has always complained that pregnancy lasts about three or four weeks longer than it should. That makes sense to me, and I actually said to Q tonight (on the way home from a movie) that I’m sick of being uncomfortable – and sick of having my stomach always feel so funky. The truth is that the past few days, there’s been A LOT going on inside. Flips, kicks, somersaults… I don’t know what she’s doing in there, but I can feel every move! And then there are the little contractions that I’m feeling more and more of… They’re just giving me a taste of what’s to come – although I’m trying not to fret over what they’ll be like when they’re one minute long and the real thing.

The good news is that – despite my physical complaints – I’m feeling pretty good emotionally. Having some time off of work has been nice; I have gotten a lot done and still managed to kick up my feet and relax. (I took a two-hour siesta this afternoon, after shopping and visiting a daycare in the morning. The nap was heavenly.) It’s still hard for me to fathom the fact that we’ll soon have a little baby around (what will she be like? what will I feel like when I meet her?) but I’m starting to get more excited about it all.


Single digits…

Wednesday, November 15th, 2006

Does that say 9?  Only 9 days until the due date?  Wow, it’s coming quick…Most people are getting ready for Thanksgiving and their holiday parties, and we’re getting ready for a new addition.  And in the spirit of the holidays, it’s time to place your bets. (I don’t know why that has anything to do with the holidays, but I liked the sound of it.)  Comment to this post what you think the actual delivery date will be.  The winner will get a good feeling inside and a chance to be crowned the most knowledgeable person around…

Jon Q