Zoe tales

A few new Zoe stories to share:

-A few weeks ago, Zoe commented that she wanted to be a big sister. When I pointed out that she already was a big sister, she responded, “A bigger one! Then I can wear your shoes. And go to work with you.”

-Zoe woke up early one morning and, per the norm, came into our room. After lying in the dark for a few minutes, she called out to us, “Excuse me. When I grow up I want to be a butterfly.” (When Q pressed her for details, she said she wanted to be one so she could fly.)

-The other night at dinner, Zoe asked if she could have more snappea snacks. “You can, but you have to eat all your carrots first,” I told her. “All my carrots?!” she replied. “Oy!”

-As part of a new game, Q recently said words in Spanish, Hebrew or English and asked Zoe to guess the language. She correctly guessed Spanish or Hebrew for the first few but when Q said a word in English and asked the language, she responded, “Regular.”

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