She keeps on truckin’

Zoe’s cold is still with her, but she keeps on with her busy schedule without missing a beat. This past week she got to go see her friend Ari (if you don’t remember, Ari was the one that took the great no-head pictures of his dad Elan and me.) It also happened to be Elan’s birthday party that night. Then today, after watching the Badger win with Daddy, she got to see her Uncle Dan’s new apartment. And with all of this, she only really cried when she got hungry. Of course it is now a cute sultry kind of cry because her voice is a bit hoarse. Here are some fun pictures from today…

WI game

On the run

Jon Q

One Response to “She keeps on truckin’

  • Irith
    March 11th, 2007 01:34

    How can any perosn tell that Zoe has a cold?! She is as happy and adorable as ever. Smiling and enjoying life in general. But she really does have a cold, because I heard her little hungy cry yesterday and it was so adorable with the little hoarseness in it.

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