It’s only a temporary good-bye, but…

So, I forgot to mention that my work threw me a baby shower on Wed. It was very sweet – and very pink, with balloons, flowers and a white-and-pink cake. Sesame got a lot of cute things, including a (pink) Stanford sweatshirt for when she’s older. A day earlier, my friends on the vanpool (on which I ride two days a week) also threw me a little party. It’s unlikely I’ll be able to take the van when Sesame is born and I return to work, and – after riding w/ some of these people for the past five years – I was sad to have to say farewell. (I should note here that I clearly take after my father, the most sentimental person I know. A classic family story is when he made my seven-year-old sister sad by suggesting she say good-bye to her bedroom when they moved from our old house in Milwaukee. Her bedroom! That’s just too cute.)

I’m heading back to work in late Feb., but I still feel sad saying good-bye to work and all my friends there. (My last day is next Friday.) I work w/ some wonderful people, and it will be weird not seeing them on a daily basis. I mentioned at my shower that I’ll miss everyone when I’m away, and my co-worker Amy (who had a baby a year ago) commented, “No you won’t.” She speaks from experience – and I know I won’t be thinking of much aside from Sesame when she actually arrives… But, for now, in Larry-like fashion, I feel a little sad about my upcoming last day.


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