An innocent question

Our trip produced lots of fun moments, but one of my favorites occurred on Sat. evening when Zoe and the rest of the family watched PopPop lead a service at synagogue. Zoe was quiet and attentive until Q’s dad finished and headed back to his seat – and she asked him loudly (in an otherwise silent room), “Are you done, PopPop?” I know kids are supposed to be quiet in situations like this, but it was such an innocent, sweet question that I couldn’t help but laugh.


2 Responses to “An innocent question

  • Safta
    September 22nd, 2009 12:35

    And the rest of the congregation thought that it was the most adorable thing they heard in a long time. They were right!

  • Jenny
    September 22nd, 2009 20:14

    It was precious. Too bad we didn’t/couldn’t get it on video!

    My favorite moment was when Jon was trying to pull one over on Zoe when he subtly asked if we can watch “a certain someone” because “A-N-G-E-L-A” needed to get her new phone. Zoe replied, “Angela needs a new phone! I can’t go because I’m playing cars.” Zoe is waaay smarter than we give her credit for!

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