Some thoughts from a soon-to-be two-time mom

So, aside from feeling excited and anxious (as detailed below), I’ve also felt a little sad and nostalgic these past few days. It’s because of Zoe, who has been my one and only baby for these past 2.5+ years. If I’m being completely honest, the thought of cradling and caring for another, non-Zoe baby makes me a little sad – as does shaking up our happy little three-person family. I know Zoe is excited about being a big sister, and I know that a sibling is probably (cliche alert!) the best gift we will ever give her – but I can’t stop but feel a little bad that she’ll soon have to share our attention/love with someone else.

A friend with two little girls recently told me that after the second arrived it became impossible to imagine life without her; he said he could no longer remember what things were like as a family of three. The words were meant to be comforting, and they were to a certain extent – but the sentimental girl in me doesn’t want to forget what we have right now. And so this week, I’ve found myself trying to soak in all these pre-baby moments with Zoe – giving her extra tight squeezes and doing lots of one-on-one activities.

I’ve been assured that parents love their second baby as much as the first (which is comforting considering I’m a second child myself!), and I believe that this is true. But at least for this moment in time, I can’t imagine not always maintaining an extra soft spot in my heart for little Z.


3 Responses to “Some thoughts from a soon-to-be two-time mom

  • Safta
    June 18th, 2009 04:11

    You will love the second child so much that it will be hard for you to imagine how you ever thought any different. The truth of the matter is, that Zoe will always have a special place in your heart, this is only natural as she was the first born and had a special 2.5 years just with you and Jon.
    Either way, both will be winners having you and Jon as loving caring parents.

  • Krista
    June 18th, 2009 09:20

    No worries, Michelle. I felt the same way. Remember how I told you that I felt like Delaney’s main purpose was to be a new playmate for Annabel? It actually took a little while after her birth to get over that. I think people love each of their children a little bit differently; they’re each special in their own way.

    Looking forward to your big news tomorrow!!!

  • MA
    June 18th, 2009 13:45

    Of COURSE you’re going to remember what your happy little 3-person family has been like! Your terrific blog has documented the last 2.5 years. All you have to do is peruse a few posts, and your time machine will take you right back.

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