
Last night, Zoe was examining one of her bibs, which is covered with ocean animals. She pointed at the fish and seahorse and then stopped at the shell. “Shell here,” she said and then looked up. “And Shell there!” she said and pointed to me. Zoe has always heard Q call me “Shell,” and sometimes even calls me by that name to be funny. I couldn’t help but smile that she made the connection between the two types of shells!


2 Responses to “Shells

  • Jenny
    November 13th, 2008 10:08

    So cute! But my favorite will always be her saying from high to low “Sheeeelll…” with a tilt to the head.

  • Safta
    November 14th, 2008 01:03

    Yes, Jenny is right. And it is even cuter when Shell gets made at Zoe for calling her Shell and not Mommy, and Zoe laughs and does it again.

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