Out-of-commission Mama

I’ve been sick for the last several days – what I thought was a simple cold took a nasty turn on Thursday and forced me into bed. Though I doubt (fingers crossed!) this bug will be long-lasting, it’s hard being sick even for a short period of time when you’re a parent. Not being able to get out of bed to help is a terrible feeling – and worse is the thought that you’re missing out on things. As I texted a friend yesterday, “I know it sounds dumb, but I get really down when I’m sick – because I miss the girls. I barely spent time with them last night, and I didn’t see them at all this morning. I hate being out of commission and missing even a day with them!” The girls seem to miss the normal routine, too – with Avery telling Q last night, “I hope Mommy feels better tomorrow, so she doesn’t take so many naps.” And both girls asked me if I would be able to put them to bed tonight. I hope!


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