Just another manic… Thursday

It’s been a pretty hectic week – Q and I are both really busy at work, and our mornings have been more harried than normal. This morning I was feeling particularly rushed – running around and trying to get out of the house with Zoe by 7:30 in order to miss traffic – and I found myself doing something I’ve never done before. Once in the car, I checked to make sure that my shoes matched. (They did, thankfully. And so did Zoe’s.) I don’t think I’ve ever felt more like a rushed mom than at that moment, and – needless – to say, I’m ready for the weekend!


One Response to “Just another manic… Thursday

  • Safta
    May 16th, 2008 06:58

    I read this to Yola and she and I had a very good giggle imagining you in the car checking your shoes.

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