The terrible threes

Avery has entered a new phase of throwing the (almost) daily fit, complete with loud screaming and red face. Tantrums aren’t news to us – Zoe still occasionally has them - but I had forgotten how intense they can be, how quickly they can come on, and how quickly they can pass. (Avery can be screaming her head off one minute and then laughing the next.) It’s also new – and entertaining - to have a little mommy around to chime in. “I think she’s just tired,” Zoe said to me on the way home from school on Friday, as Avery kicked and screamed because I wouldn’t let her eat any challah. And last night in the car, as Avery wailed about wanting a marshmellow and I whispered to Q that she needed to go to bed right away, Zoe piped up, “I’ll say!”


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