Holy Cannoli!

Zoe has been saying “Oh my goodness” a lot lately. Q heard me say it over the weekend and commented, “So that’s where she gets it from!” Indeed, the girls occasionally sound like Mini-Michelles - which is fun and flattering, but also a little frightening. Some other examples:

  • Zoe saying of her sister’s behavior one afternoon: “That is unacceptable!”
  • Avery reminding Zoe at dinner: “Dinner isn’t for playing, Zoe, it’s for eating.”
  • Zoe saying over the weekend that she wanted to rest with me and get “comfy-cozy.”
  • Zoe telling me at the beach last weekend, in response to my asking her to pose for a photo: “I can’t right now. I have too much to do.” (That’s the frightening one.)

And I had to laugh the other day when both girls finished a sentence for me. After taking a bite of something particularly tasty, I said,  “Holy -” and the girls cried out “Cannoli!” in unison. (Yes – that’s a favorite phrase of me. I blame Angela!)


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